How to perk up a windowless office

If you’ve ever spent a lot of time in a cubicle, chances are you have a greater appreciation for nature. It’s no joke! Studies show that people who work in natural light-deprived spaces are much less satisfied and suffer more stress.

While you probably can’t move into an executive office, you can improve your mood with a stop at the greenhouse. Researchers found that students performed better on cognitive tests when surrounded by plants than at plain desks and they experienced less fatigue. Here are several foolproof, classic plants for offices and darker homes.

  • Snake plant, or mother-in-law’s tongue, with stiff leaves bearing green and gold markings.
  • Cast iron plant, tolerant of low light, dampness, and dust.
  • Peace lily prefers moist soil and average interior temperatures, producing a large flower.
  • Dracaena and philodendrons have variegated leaves, splashes of alternate color and can thrive in artificial light areas.


The Myth of Multitasking

In today’s business world, many employees spend time bouncing back and forth between tasks, believing multitasking makes them more efficient. New studies, however, have found that multitasking is not a skill to brag about, but to worry about. These studies suggest that multitasking actually causes us to make more mistakes, retain less information, and change the way our brain works.

Working on a single task means both sides of the prefrontal cortex are working together in harmony. Adding another task forces the left and right sides of the brain to work independently.

Scientists at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) in Paris discovered this when they asked study participants to complete two tasks at the same time while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results showed that the brain splits in half, causing us to forget details and make three times more mistakes when given two simultaneous goals.


Need help choosing a college? Take a tour!

Many students report campus visits as the most influential factor in deciding where to go to college. Potential students who visit campus by attending an open house find this critical in making a decision to enroll or not to enroll. Open house events at community colleges like Wake Tech are usually offered in the spring and the fall.

Many colleges also offer individual tours. You can schedule a walking tour often led by a student representative. This is a great opportunity to get an honest perspective on campus life.  Ask your guide about public transportation, their favorite places to study at school, the best nearby coffee shop, or any other questions you might have.
